
Thesis entitled: "The Distribution of Electricity in Rural Areas 1926 to 1963 An Investigation"

PhD theses entitled: "Design of Superconducting Machines"

Volume entitled: "A brief history of the origin and progress of the royal harbour of Ramsgate"

Set of 20 interviews on audio cassettes 'Pioneers of Computing'

Collection of Ephemera Issued to Commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Opening of the Liverpool & Manchester Railway

Certificate - Freedom of the City of Manchester presented to Sir Bernard Lovell

An American Powdermaker in Europe : Lammot du Pont's Journal, 1858, by Norman B. Wilkinson

Scripts and recording of the BBC Radio 3 musical entertainment programme ‘Mischief-Making Moon’, presented by Patrick Moore

NASA Acronyms and Abbreviations Dictionary: Flight Operations Directorate Crew Training and Procedures Division

Original typewritten script for the musical entertainment programme 'Mischief-Making Moon'

Durutti Column poster

A Certain Ratio, Durutti Column, Blurt poster

Kim Philby Reappears

The Kim Philby Club

Durutti Column/Situationists promotional poster for The Factory

Poster advertising a Rabid Records benefit gig for Moss Side People's Centre

Promotional poster for John Cooper Clarke's Walking Back To Happiness

A page cut out of a STC News

Science and Industry Museum corporate file titled:Directorate: Development of proposed museum at Liverpool Road site - draft declaration of trust, correspondence, minutes, site plans, instructions for counsel to advise, 1979-1980

Skylark Stage 5 Phase 2 Attitude Control Unit Dynamic Test Schedule

BBC radio broadcast script for the musical entertainment programme 'Mischief-Making Moon'

9 sheets

Construction drawings of Ledge Waggon


Interview with R Page regarding the British chemical industry


Thesis entitled: "George Parsons and the Parrett Works 1834-1875"


Poster depicting carriages from late 18th century to late 19th centuries


A paper on the Industrial Archaeology of the Land's End Peninsula

approximately 1 linear meter

Thorn-EMI Liberator Papers.


Exhibition catalogue: entitled: "Royal College of Science 1881-1981: Centenary Exhibition by Jeanne Pingree, College Archivist, November 1981."

Six weekly editions of 'Communicable Disease Report' (CDR): /1 - 28 July 1978 /2 - 28 September 1979 /3 - 5 October 1979 /4 - 12 October 1979 /5 - 19 October 1979 /6 - 4 December 1981 (3 copies)

Collection of Communicable Disease Reports

1 folder

Collection of papers presented to UNESCO/ICSU meeting, "Time and the Sciences", held at the Royal Institution in Feb 1976


Volume entitled "The Birch family history"


Chart of the Nuclides

2 sheets

Drawings of Horse Slaughterer's Cart


Wall chart entitled: "Guide to How Britain runs its Science"


Wall chart entitled: "How the US Runs Its Science"


Typescript entitiled: "A paper on the Stirlings of Methven and their amazing machine"


Privately published biography of George Hinde Nisbett

3 sheets

Construction drawings of Conestoga Waggon


Article entitled: "Inside the Atomic City. How Los Alamos Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"


Centenary calendar of Standard Telephones and Cables Limited

26 pages

Joint Airworthiness Committee. Presentation of the reprinted edition of DEF STAN OO-970 (AvP 970) to the Director of the SBAC on behalf of Controller Aircraft MOD(PE) Great Britain


Reprint of 1932 route map for L.C.C. Trams


An epistemological re-assessment of Einstein's special relativity theory and of the conceivable alternatives to it by Robert R Traill

2 items

GenAir Operations Logs

0.2 linear metres

Documents relating to the Logabax mini computer

0.04 linear metres

Catalogues relating to the Sinclair ZX81 computer

2 items

Polaroid Image System camera manuals

0.03 linear metres

Collection of reprints of early aviation photographs

1.5 linear metres

Certificates of Awards and Posters relating to the Greater Manchester Council

0.01 linear metres

Travel documents relating to Manchester Airport